Press Releases

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For more information:
Luca Rossetti
phone +39 02 89210200
fax +39 02 8259009


The year 2021 was really positive. This trend was reaffirmed by the Studies Office of Acimall, the association of Italian manufacturers of wood and furniture technology: production amounted to 2,530 million euro, up by 36.9 percent compared to 2020, a year we would like to forget for many reasons, n [...]

The year 2021 showed that the pandemic emergency has also acted as a powerful driver for production in many industries. One of these is certainly the sector of machinery, plants, equipment and tools for wood and wood-based materials, which experienced a "stimulating" 2021 with a growth of orders tha [...]

The development of the pandemic has certainly impacted all the economic trends, including the machines, tools and equipment for woodworking and furniture production. This trend has some “peculiarities” that have been clearly identified in the analysis by the Studies Office of Acimall, the associatio [...]

“There never could be a better way to start the new year. The data processed by our Studies office confirm the "strong perception" of recent months: 2021 has started off very positively, with a strong expansion of the demand of furniture and wood industry technology”. Luigi De Vito, president of Aci [...]

The fourth quarter 2020 brought some optimism to an economic trend that has been really complicated due to the global sanitary emergency. Woodworking and furniture industry technology in the October-December period of last year recorded 3.7 percent growth in orders compared to the same period of 201 [...]

The figures for July-September 2020 clearly reflect what's happening in this key segment of the Italian mechanical engineering industry. In general, the orders of machinery and tools for wood and furniture are recording a decreasing trend below expectations, which indicates a partial improvement of [...]

The general assembly of Acimall, the association of Italian manufacturers of furniture and wood technology, approved the appointment of Luigi De Vito (Scm Group, Rimini) to President for the 2020-2023 period, together with Marianna Daschini (Greda, Mariano Comense) taking the role of Vice President. [...]